About our Karate Kids Program

Call us at 613-634-9277 or e-mail us at tallackmartialarts@hotmail.com for to register your child for Karate at their school!

The Karate Kids Program in Kingston is operated by Melanie Adam. Two of the greatest obstacles for parents in choosing a Martial Arts Program are time and cost. The Tallack’s Karate Kids Program solves both these issues by being affordable and by sending professional instructors to each school, either at lunch hour or after school to teach a Martial Arts Class right to your child!

Developed by 3x World Champion Rob Tallack and Hanshi Ken Tallack in the year 2000, Kingston is the original city of the Karate Kids Program. The schools that it was started in are still members of the program, along with over 20 schools in the Kingston area alone! In Ontario the number is closer to 200 schools and over 5,000 students!

In each class, we concentrate on developing Confidence, Focus, and Respect through progressive teaching methods and the techniques of traditional Karate. Each of the classes are high energy, fast paced, and a whole lot of fun! We also conduct ourselves in an eco-friendly manner, with only the instructor requiring the use of a car. That’s 30-40 drives that we’re saving by sending one instructor to the school!

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